Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What?? A junior??.....

I have been awake this morning and not able to go back to sleep because of the realization that I have a JUNIOR!!! My junior year was one of major change also, and as it turned out the funnest year of all of my high school years. I left Alta and transferred to Jordan, Morgan is leaving Alta and has transferred to Bingham. My junior year was the one when I met JD - an even scarier thought.

She left this morning with all smiles, and no pit in her stomach. Yay for Morgan!! I am so glad that she is comfortable in her own skin and has the confidence it takes to make such a big change and be excited about it. She does have a couple of friends there, so that makes it a bit easier I am sure. She looked cute this morning, just pulled her hair back in a pony to look "chill" and off she went - in her own car and everything. I know she will do great, she is an easy going girl that doesn't let much get her down. Good luck girl!! I can only hope that this change does as much for you as it did for me!

Side note on the other kids- Brenna of course is enjoying school, happy to see her friends.
Drew is having a great time, feeling like he is growing up and out of elementary. Jensen, the one we were worried about is also doing okay. He still has the anxiety of being dropped off at school and wondering how I will find him when it is time to come home, but he loves his teacher and thinks she is the "nicest one ever".

Ella was funny yesterday - Morgan and I were trying to think of something fun to do for her last day at home with just us (since the others started school on Monday). We had thrown around a few options, lunch, mall, manicure/pedicure, eyebrow wax, movie...typical girl stuff. I had not realized that Ella had overheard the conversation and later on she said "lets go to the eyewix", and again I said "What??" (like I often do with her, she has a funny way with words) "you know, eyewix" she said, this time making a ripping noise and using her hands up by her eyes to describe the way you have your eyes brows done...oh man, we laughed. I had not even realized she knew, or even cared, what that was. I will say it again, she is a girly, girly, girly girl!!

What I hope for today is that my house can make a total transformation - I have planned nothing other than to focus on cleaning and de-cluttering!! Wow, does it need it. The neglect level is high due to no daily schedule and then football eating up our entire evenings...good thing I woke up early.


Natalie said...

That's crazy to think about your junior year. Morgan is going to go on to college and not get married for a long time. We could only wish that about our kids. I hope she made it through all the road construction. I was out there running this morning to Bingham to do bleachers and back and it was crazy messy. My house has stayed cleaner this week and I am taking a load to DI. Summer does get us behind, but we love it. I'm so surprised to hear about Jensen. I didn't know that about him. How cute. He's got a sensitive side. I guess you guys have gotten your eye brows waxed too often. We love those days.

Jana said...

Awww....ya that is scary!!! She will be awesome! She is beautiful fun and everyone wants to be friends with the new girl that has her own car....totally!!! If you didnt get your brows done Kim is coming over tonight to do mine and my hair at need to blog about Jensens school supply list...that would be funny to hear about!! Hey...sorry I got teary on ya n stuff.