Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Pink Panthers.....

So I thought "is it really fair that we only go to the boys sporting events???" Heck no, so I signed Ella up to play soccer this fall with some of her cute friends. We had her first game a last Monday and those cute little Pre-K girls had absolutely no clue what in the world they were doing. Just chasing the ball in a pack of pink and purple to be honest. It was quite a change from Jensen and his team who had gotten so good, I quickly reminded myself that they had been playing together for 5 years and that is why. These girls have been together 1 week. Entertaining, yes - Skills, no.
Second game just last Monday was a different story. They seemed to get the hang of it. They started to understand that it was okay to be aggressive and to take the ball and run with it, it didn't matter who's feelings might get hurt, it was time to make some goals. Ella was great!! The first week she was running into her friend Meg when she would look over at me on the sidelines screaming "kick the ball!!" - This week the girl scored twice and almost three times (until she tripped over the ball and fell down right in front of the goal) - oh well!! It was fun to watch and I think she is going to have a great time playing.
One of the best parts is that our coach, my good friend Suzy, holds practices in her backyard - Yay!! No driving, just walk your little body next door and have fun....
Games on Monday nights, which don't interfere with boys football on Saturday, but does interfere with FHE (who am I kidding, we try our best, just doesn't work out so well for us on Mondays...) It's all good, we do spend time together as a family because Morgan and Brenna go and cheer on their little sister, and reminisce about the times when Morgan played soccer at that very field. So awesome to have my big girls WANT to be a part of the little kids everyday lives. I am so grateful to have the kids I do.

1 comment:

Jana said...

She looks so darling!!!