Friday, September 4, 2009

Not the typical teenager.....

I am sitting here tonight wondering how I got Morgan as my daughter. The girl never ceases to amaze me. We got into a little bit of an argument tonight, which really doesn't happen all that often. First of all let me start off by saying - why don't more teenagers get their drivers licenses when they are supposed to?? - It is weird, but it seems like they are less motivated to drive and so unfortunately Morgan is one of the few that can. One problem though, it is now the law that you must have your license for 6 months before you are allowed to drive with friends in the car. I totally agree with this new law, you can still drive your immediate family, brothers and sisters, parents okay. Also any other adult with a license. It is good, it allows for them to become better drivers, knowing how to handle distractions etc. Morgans time is almost up, 3 more weeks. She has been patient, but then all these other dorky teenagers that don't drive cause problems because she becomes the driver. She is anxious and tonight she wanted to hang out with one of her new friends that she has met at Bingham, of course I want to let her, she is new at the school and has a new friend. Problem #1 - he doesn't drive (even worse he is a Senior who doesn't drive) Problem #2 - Morgan wants to hang at our house (she is kindof a home-body) See where this is going?? She leaves my house before we get home from football practice tonight to head out, pick him up, and drive him back to our house.....chill for a while and then take him back home. Not a good plan. We get in a bit of a fight while she is driving, I tell her just to hang out at his house for a while, then come home. She won't have any of that. She starts to cry, telling me how close she is to the 6 months and how it is so unfair. I feel bad, the girl is awesome, and it is not her driving that I am worried about, it's all the other lunatics on the road on a Friday night. She feels uncomfortable staying at his house and then says "Fine, I will just come home" my response "okay..." and she hangs up. I am fully expecting her to come stomping in the door, slamming the garage door and then going to her room, not to be seen for the rest of the night. You know, typical teenage behavior. What I get instead is a phone call a few minutes later with her apologizing for yelling at me and that she is sorry. Seriously?? She is such an amazing person. Then to top it off, she comes up to our room when she gets home to talk with J.D. and I - she gets it...she is sorry.....J.D. offers to go with her up to the last little bit of the Alta game and get a coke and she goes. Honestly, she is so not the typical teenager. How lucky and blessed are we as parents. I have said it before and I will say it again, she is wise beyond her years, she is an old soul, she is helping to raise us. I feel so lucky.


Janeen said...

She is an old soul! Good way to put what happened with this friend? she just tells him she can't come over?? I'm curious

Natalie said...

You are so good at keeping up on your posts and they aren't sooooo looong like mine. I love that one about Morgan. I only hope I get a girl like that. How amazing. Also I now know the difference you are talking about. I maybe never would have if I didn't get Kade.