Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football scores again.....

So we made it a family affair this week with all of us going to Drews game on Saturday afternoon. Looking ahead at our schedules we are only going to have 1 game out of the whole season that overlaps both boys, so for nearly all of them we will all be able to go. It makes for a long Saturday,that is for sure, but worth it. We started out this week having Jensen at his game by 8:00 a.m., just J.D., Drew and I went to that one. Brenna has dance on Saturday mornings and I had Morgan stay home with the little ones, because I knew 2 games would not be that much fun for Ella and the baby. We got home around 11:30, had a quick bite for lunch and then had to have Drew at his game at 12:15. His game started at 1:30 playing Murray.
The boy was on fire!! He had one of his best games that day, we were wondering what was up....he always plays well, but he had a different intensity about it for some reason. Come to find out there was a girl there that he has met at school and she was watching him play. Holy cow, if that doesn't throw the mom for a loop!! Her name is Victoria and she was really cute. She was at the field already, watching her brother play, but she came over to Drews field for most of his game. I guess this is going to start happening with him too. It is the age? They hit 7th grade and become interested in the opposite sex. I have gotten used to it with my girls, but for some reason it feels different with my boy. Why is that? I have been the only girl
in his life for the last 12, nearly 13 years, and now there is someone named Victoria - not so fun, another new phase of my life. On to the lighter note of my post.....
Drews team - Alta vs. Murray 19-6
Jensens team - Alta vs. Riverton 27-20
Both boys won again this week!!
J.D. stopped by Kmart (of all places!!) and found these cute shirts. He got the ALTA ones for me, Brenna and himself and then picked up a Bingham Miners one for Morgan. How nice was that?? He surprised us all with our new presents just before Drews game. Morgan said she felt a little silly wearing hers to the Alta game, but I thought she looked cute. She was going boating later on that day with Charles - the boy from Bingham that we took with us to Lagoon - but she was nice and came to half of Drews game before she took off. I am so impressed with my kids willingness to support one another. It's not like we make them go, they actually want to.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I love hte shirts! What a nice daddy!