Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Poor Jensen, last night before it was time to do his homework and after we had eaten dinner I sent he and Ella outside to ride bikes for a little while (while I helped Drew with his homework, one child at a time, please) - this is what happened.
Dang, Jensen is obsessed lately with BMX bikes and trying to do tricks, thanks to Nitro Circus, (he doesn't have a great bike for tricks right now) - he was using Ellas bike, a princess one, because it is smaller and funner to ride. He was doing some sort of trick off of the curb and bit the dust. Luckily we have the best neighbor in the world who is an ER doctor and she took a look at him for us and said we needed stitches in his mouth and possibly his nose. So off we went. Three hours later, three stitches later and some digging to get the gravel out of his nose we were on our way home, with antibiotics and instructions to visit our dentist to make sure his loose teeth were okay. What a night!! It seems like we have had alot of trauma in our house lately, whats up with that??!? Hopefully this will be it for a while, I am done with hospitals.
J.D. says this picture looks like he has just been arrested for some sort of drunken bar fight-


Jana said...

Ok...saw it on JDs facebook and wanted to cry! Called your house and I talked to your girls. I guess you guys where at the doctor. Poor Jens! Looks sooo painful! Nitro Cirtus is bad but we love it at our house. Make sure you get him a better trick bike....I said so! Haha....luv you all. Hugs!

Tiffany G said...

ouch! Poor kid - I guess the excitement never ends!

Two Boys and a Teenage Girl said...

That looks so painful. Poor kid. I am voting with Aunt Jana its time for a better trick bike (; Oh and maybe a face guard..

Jana said...

Got on to show Trent poor Jens. He would like to know how JD knows about drunken bar fights? God bless Nitro Circus!Haha....From Trent...Not me.