Sunday, June 14, 2009

Brennas Birthday.....

June 12, 1995 Brenna was born and now she is 14!! I can't believe it. We had to celebrate her birthday yesterday afternoon as a family because she and Morgan were at Youth Conference on Friday (her birthday). This was our little party that we had for her. It wasn't much but I think that she was happy with it. She had more singing done to her this year than probably any other year of her life. More than she wanted I am sure of. She had lots of friends and YW leaders making sure her day was special since she wasn't at home. Singing to her at every meal and about 10 times during the day. Her roommate decorated their room and loaded her up with candy. Morgan and some of her friends took her gift to her and she also brought cards from home from J.D., Ella and me. She texted me that morning and said they made her cry, not my intent for sure, I just wanted her to know that we were thinking of her and loved her on her day, (No phones were supposed to be on the trip - oh well) I am so glad that she loved them!!

Ella was so excited for her to come home, when you are 4 there is not alot better than a birthday party, balloons, cupcakes and all. Ella adores her big sister. Brenna is so good to her. I think that I have said before that Ella believes that she is as big as her 2 older sisters and that is because they treat her so well. She thinks that she is one of them.
Brenna has grown into an amazing young lady. She is kind, sweet, graceful, an awesome dancer, a great friend, she is responsible, beautiful, respectful (most of the time, minus the occasional eye roll), smart, honest, and oh, so funny. I am blessed to be her mother.
Her yummy birthday cupcake ( she was supposed to eat ALL the frosting), her teeth turned bright pink when she was done - why didn't I get a picture of that??
All she wanted this year was an I-pod Touch.
Happy Birthday cute girl!! We love you and are so proud of the person that you are and that you are becoming every day....


Natalie said...

Tell Brenna Happy B-day from us McBride girls. We love seeing her at dance. It's been fun to see your family again. Sounds like she had an awesome b-day. You always do fab. Last night we saw Morgan on a date and Renn had to give her a bad time. I hope she wasn't too embarrassed. The Jensen post made me laugh. Thanks.

Jana said...

What a cute post!! Brenna girl is beautiful and you have every reason to be proud of her! Gosh...time goes by to dang fast. They all need to slow down! I will see you tomorrow for some luncha! I will venture out for just for Bren!! Haha....I have all my kids! I guess you are the only one with kids still in school....lucky!

Tiffany G said...

What a darling girl! Tell her I thought her talk in church was beautiful as well.