Saturday, June 6, 2009

The end of a Soccer era.....

Today is the end of an era for our Jensen boy.... He has been playing soccer with the same group of boys for almost 5 years now. They all started playing together when they were just 3 years old and for the most part the team has all stayed the same. Today, however, was their last game together. This fall they have all chosen to move on to other things, namely football. Some of the boys are moving on to a more competitive level of soccer and the other boys want to give football a try and Jensen is one of them. He has seen how Drew has played football and I think that he is yearning to be a little bit like his big brother. I am so glad that he looks up to him, I just hope that he can have as much fun playing football as he has soccer.
J.D. was getting ready for this mornings game and looked at me in all seriousness and said "I think I am going to cry" - it is sad for us to see this come to an end. I did get a little teary at the end of the game. Jensen is a really good soccer player. He plays right wing and can get that ball in to any of the guys in the middle to make a goal. His soccer coach 'Big Adam' has always told Jensen how important guys like him are, because without them, the goals wouldn't get made.
What a great bunch of boys -

One last shout out for the other team!!

Hooray!!! Go Blue Hawks!!

Jensen actually made the only goal that their team had today, tying 1-1. Our team wins every game because they have been playing so long together and have had the same coach. They all know each others next move and have learned such great soccer skills, they are a hard team to keep up with. Today, the other team was going to have to forfeit because not enough players showed up, so we spotted them 3 of our guys and we went ahead to have our game, thus the reason for the tie. What a great way to end the season, everyone wins.

Jensen going after the ball, 'the eye of the tiger' - they call it....getting pumped for the games is fun for Dad and Jensen. He woke up this morning and said, "Dad, I have chills" - eye of the tiger maybe, or just cold, we don't know. What we do know is that we have had a great 5 years watching him grow playing soccer and being a part of a great team with awesome friends. What an amazing boy we have, and are so lucky to have him in our life. On to other things now buddy!! Good luck, we love you.


Natalie said...

What a difference a team and a coach makes. Abby too has been playing for 5 or 6 years and now has to stop. Dance has taken over. I hope Kaden wants to play football. I only have one chance and that's my favorite. I can't believe Jensen is 8. Love soccer. Good job.

Jana said...

He is a stud!!! I love the pictures! He with do awesome in football too....just like his biggy bro!