Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Last night after everyone had gone to bed it was just Ella and I awake (J.D. is out of town). I always let one of my kids sleep with me when he is gone and last night it was Ellas turn. We were flipping between two movies, her choice, Elf, and my choice, The Wedding Planner. Ella and I enjoy lots of girl time together, she is a fun little girl to be around. I enjoy her company, (thus one of the reasons she doesn't go to pre-school), she grows up too fast as it is and I am not ready to share our time together.
Morgan and Brenna had popped some popcorn downstairs and the smell was drifting up to my bedroom. Ella didn't realize that the smell was coming from our house because while watching our movies she says to me "Mom, I can smell the T.V." - the way she said it was sort of 'matter-of-fact' and sort of surprised at the same time. I let her think it was the T.V., I thought it was cute.

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