Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Pirate Face....

So I am not sure what it is about my boys, but both Jensen and now Jiles have pulled this face as babies. I remember we used to all sit around and laugh at Jensen when he was about this age. He would sit on the table at Grandma and Grandpa Hackwell's house after a Sunday dinner and just pull this silly face over and over again. The more we would laugh, the more he would do it. Now 8 years later we have another 'pirate face' - and he acts just the same way Jensen would - as long as he knows he is getting our attention, the more and more he will do it. The eyes shut with his nose scruntched up, and his jaw kind of pulled over to one side, don't know why they have both done it, but one thing I do know is that it makes anyone who sees it laugh!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Arrrggggg!!! I LOVE IT!