Monday, December 21, 2009

Only a week later.....

We went to Costco the other day. Brenna sluffed school and I had some shopping to do so with a little help from her we were off. I was busy picking up our Christmas cards at the photo deptartment and Ella was playing with Jiles. She had been biting his feet and he would give her a kick. They were both enjoying this little game and laughing about it when with one good kick Jiles knocked Ella's loose tooth out. I didn't see it happen but Brenna did. Ella looked at Brenna and said "my tooth is gone, I think it is on the floor!" Suprisingly enough, she actually found that little tooth on the floor and was quite proud. She ran over to show me - luckily she was unaware of the blood that was all over in her mouth. That would have sent her over the edge. She was just so excited that the tooth that she had been working so hard on for the last week was finally out. She ran up to Jiles and said "Thank you Jiles for kicking my tooth out!!" - and she meant it. She thought that was awesome. The tooth fairy came that night she wanted 'coins' so she could add them to her missionary fund (a little red cup that her primary teachers gave her). What a good girl. I still am having trouble believing that my little Ella has lost her first tooth.


Tiffany said...

That will be a fun story one day for Jiles...kicking his sister's tooth out.
Merry Christmas!

Jana said...

YAY!! I love that story! Totally funny that her and Rob's lost them together....she looks so cute!