Monday, December 21, 2009

Family Christmas Party.....

We had our annual Nelson family Christmas party a couple of weeks ago. I am terribly behind in my blogging, I don't know if it is because the month has gone by so quickly or if it is because we have been so busy with all of the different holiday activities. Either way, I am determined to get caught up before Christmas day. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
We have our party at a church usually because there are so many of us that come to the party. We enjoyed lunch, visiting with cousins and then of course a special visitor.
When Santa came through the door, Ella went under the table. Eventually, thanks to my sister, Jill, Ella got brave enough to give Santa a try.
Jensen is always game to sit on Santa's lap. He is a boy that is so full of personality and quick whit. He is wanting drums (for the 3rd year in a row) and a gecko for Christmas. What the heck?? I am afraid he is going to be sorely disappointed on Christmas morning.

Morgan and Brenna even got into the action and sat on Santa's lap. Drew was missing for nearly the entire party. He is too 'big' to sit on Santa's lap - :(
I even got into the spirit of things - after all grandma was handing out giant candy bars to anyone who would have a seat - yum!!
J.D. giving him a big squeeze!!

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