Sunday, December 6, 2009

A loose tooth.....

During church today Ella was talking to me and I noticed that one of her bottom teeth looked funny - sort of crooked. I asked her to let me look inside her mouth and what would you know, she has a loose tooth!! Unbelievable. The girl is 5 for all of 3 weeks and already she starts to loose teeth??
It has taken her all day to get used to the idea that one of her teeth is going to fall out. Out of all of my children Ella is the one with the weakest stomach and having a tooth wiggle in her mouth is not exactly exciting to her. She has finally warmed up to the idea, and not thinks it is pretty cool that she will soon have the tooth fairy pay her a visit. "How does she know when my tooth falls out?" - Never has any of the other kids asked such a question. I told her that she works alot like Santa and that she will just know. I have a feeling though that Ellas tooth will be hanging by a thread, and she will most likely either swallow it while she eats or swallow it while she sleeps because she doesn't even like her toenails clipped - it hurts -
This should be interesting!!


Jana said...

I am totally laughing!!! Robbie has his first loose tooth this week too!! A bottom one even...and then the toenail thing...LOL!!! That is so my kids too!! What have we done?! I love it....she seems to little to me to be looseing teeth! they grow up way tp fast!

Tiffany said...

Wow! My kids don't get their first loose tooth until they are seven!! And they ask WAY too many questions.....

Natalie said...

Gross!!! I can't stand loose teeth. My girls all lose their teeth early. I think that means in and out of braces early. Lucky in that regard. I love your pirate baby. So big. Can't wait to see what you next baby looks like.

I also love your Turkey Day. You guys are so good to always open your house up. I wish I could. I love the gingerbread houses. We did them last year with the McBrides and half of them fell apart. They are hard to make right. But fun!!!!! McBrides always do 3 or 4 activities after dinner. It's fun but crazy. See ya Saturday.