Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sitting up?....

I woke up the other morning to feed Jiles and when I looked over (yes, Ella is sleeping on the couch in my bedroom.... and, no, it doesn't bother us) and she was sleeping sitting up. I just happened to have the camera next to my bed so I thought I would take a quick picture - she didn't even wake up with the flash. What a strange little girl. I don't know how or when she got that way, but she seemed pretty comfortable and was sleeping so soundly that when I went over and layed her back down she stayed asleep. It's a little freaky that her one eye is open in the picture below, of course I didn't notice before I took the picture, otherwise I probably would have tried to shut it. There is just something a little disturbing about eyes open while sleeping. Oh well - a moment in our life that was amusing to me.


Jana said...

zzzzzzzzzzzz..........thats some good sleepin!

Natalie said...

YOu must have been sleeping hard to not know what was going on. That's so cute. I can't believe you thought to take a picture. What a good mama you are.

Julie said...

So funny!!! I miss you guys! We haven't seen you all week. Sad. We love you!!!!!!