Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Football tryouts.....

Cute Jensen is trying football out this fall.....We are excited for him to try a new sport, but also anxious, it is a whole new ball game (literally) from soccer. He does look really awesome in his football gear - helmet and pads, it puts a smile on my face. I love seeing their name on the back of their jersey.
Freak!! Look at the size difference of some of the boys that he will be playing with. He barely weighs in at 52 pounds, he is a little dude. We are a little concerned for him, seeing as he has cried the last 2 nights when practice has ended, I am not sure he knew what he was getting himself in to. Stomach ache the first night and then a twisted ankle the second night....who knows what tonight will bring. After all, it is the first night that they wear full pads and start hitting---yikes.

This is a picture of him doing one of the drills, he has a mean karaoke (shuffle step kind of thing)- even after 3 full years of Drew playing football I am still a little behind on all the proper terminology of what things are called. I just enjoy watching the game and I am hopeful that Jenky boy will love it as much as he thinks he will. Good luck little man!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I love football. I hope and pray Kaden will play. That's all I ask for and I only have one chance. Way to go Jensen. Hope he makes it through this week. You are busy and life is starting up again. Bye Bye Summer.