Monday, November 2, 2009


Ella, Ella, Ella - such a funny girl, the other day out of no where she informs me....

"Mom, I feel like crack."

Ella is also suddenly very interested in knowing where we are when we are driving in the car.

"Mom, is this ours town?"
The girl pluralizes so many words. Especially 'ours', it's always 'ours baby', 'ours family', 'ours house' etc....

Sundays are very lazy around our house. We go to church at 9, so we have the whole day to do pretty much nothing. With the time change yesterday, it seemed like we had a really long night. (This is such a hard thing for us all to get used to).

All of us came home and napped of course, J.D. grilled steaks and baked potatoes for dinner, we got caught up on our scripture reading (we are trying to read one chapter a day, it is actually going quite well), sat in the hot tub as a family, and then made shakes - another one of J.D.'s many talents.....cute Drew then says.....

"This has been the ultimate Sunday."

Have I said it too many times???



Natalie said...

You are so good. Sometimes those days drag and I HATE THEM. TOo much family time. I want to come be in your perfect little family. I don't think they argue or anything. We are going to Cancun for Thanksgiving. Renn, Me and the kids. Weird thanksgiving huh.

Robison's said...

How cute! I love what kids come up with and their little says. What a nice a relaxing sunday. We love our sundays for that reason. That's awesome youguys have been reading as a family. It is hard to keep up with it. Also, your guys costumes were AWESOME!