Monday, September 27, 2010

The Pink Cupcakes.....

The Pink Cupcakes.....this is Ella's 3rd season playing soccer. As luck would have it we have had some sort of pink as our team color each time. They have always used 'pink' in their name...this time around what could be better than cupcakes?? Yum. We are lucky to have had the same group of 8 girls play together each time, so they have all become friends and really enjoy their time together.

Ella is in no way a very aggressive player......but for the last 2 games she has scored a goal!! She gets so proud of herself and runs all the way back to Coach Suzy and gives her a high 5. I am so thankful for the amazing weather that we have had this month for all of the sporting events that we go to. Having the opportunity to sit and enjoy our children during these nice nights, I feel like there is nothing better. Happy, healthy kids, the opportunities that they have to grow and learn, a mom and dad that love each other and want to spend time together, too many blessings to count!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love your attitude about the mundane things. That is really what it is all about though isn't it!?