Wednesday, June 2, 2010


While we were driving home from Aunt Janeens house last night we passed the temple.

Ella starts to sing, "I love to see the Temple, I'm going there someday....."

A proud Mom and Dad moment.

She sang the song several times before I realized how she was ending the song.

The last verse goes "this is my sacred duty."

Ella sings it "this is my secret beauty."

Funny, cute, and worth remembering.


Tiffany said...

Definitely worth remembering. Loved peeking in on your last few weeks. You're a great family! We REALLY have to get a BBQ planned this summer. Let's get Jana on that...

Natalie said...

I loved your principal. haha. I also loved soccer in the rain. It was a cold spring season for sure.

Alex and I are going to be sad not seeing Brenna at dance. What a fun year ahead for her.

Jealous of your Lagoon all summer long. Maybe one year I will have a summer and will join you girlies.