Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Years Resolution.....

Well, it's official we have all made it through another January. January is one of those months that is both good and bad. Good for it's a chance to reflect, make changes in your life and make any number of 'resolutions'. You all know the typical, loose weight, stop gossiping, making more meals at home or cleaning the toilets on a more regular basis!! Well, this year I thought it would be meaningful for me to do something that I have never done before, I have decided to read at least 1 book every month.

To some, this probably doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but to me it is.
Having 6 kids keeps me busy - I have decided though, there is a lot of downtime...waiting for kids in the carpool lane at school, dance lessons etc.

Here is where the story gets good....I have officially finished 3, yes 3 books for the month of January. Thanks to a 6 day vacation to give me a head start and a realization that reading is quite enjoyable. It gives me a chance to escape the real world and use my imagination!! What a concept - "The Hunger Games" - "Beautiful Creatures" - "The Lightning Thief"

All of these books I would recommend, I would also love any recommendations, with a side note, I read for enjoyment, not to cry, become depressed or scared...


Jana said...

I have only really loved to read like this last year...it is enjoyable when it is for you! I am gonna have to get those books! cant wait to see Lightning Theif! Looks so good!

Jill said...

I love this resolution. Reading really is a nice escape to a new exciting place. I am loving it myself. Maybe we sisters should start a book club...another excuse to get together. haha. love ya!

Tiffany G said...

Nice! I love to read, but I read just about anything. You might want to join goodreads.com for book suggestions.

Natalie said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm always looking for good books. I just read ESCAPE. I loved it. True story about the lady that escaped Warren Jeffs crap. I read in three days. It is CRAZY!!!

JW and Alli said...

Hunger Games was quite a book! You need to read the 2nd book- Catching Fire. I think the third book is coming out in August. Have fun reading!!!

Jenn said...

Goody, oh goody, you know how I LOVE books-the kind I can Listen to, and guess what?? It is on order in audio format from the library! Yay for me! Try audio some time, you can multi-task. One earphone in-the other listening to babbling children or vacuuming or dishes or shopping or.....