Monday, February 22, 2010

20 years and counting.....

Just a side note before anyone goes on to read this post - I don't know if I have proper words or feelings adequate to express the way I feel about my guy - I tried my hardest to put it down on paper, so to speak.... I don't know if I have ever said this before on my blog or not, but I have the best husband in the whole world!! He is always wonderful and amazing, but this last weekend he went above and beyond for me!! He is a blessing in my life that I am thankful every day for - my life would not be the same without him in it. He is my dream come true and I feel so lucky to have him all to myself! This last Saturday, Feb.20th was our 20th anniversary. It is unbelievable to me that we have been together for so long and that I am as happy today as I was on the day when I married him all those years ago.
We went to Cancun a month or so ago, I thought for our anniversary celebrations, but he also planned out a small weekend getaway for us. Saturday morning we got up and left the house early, 10:00 and headed out the door - How lucky am I that I know that I can leave and my babies will be in good hands with the 2 big girls. Morgan and Brenna are awesome!! We spent our day shopping at Gateway, eating a delicious lunch and having a couples massage. Later on that day we checked into 'Little America' where we spent our honeymoon night, just 2 decades ago (yikes!!) J.D. spent the whole day surprising me with little gifts, a short book about the 20 years we have spent together through his eyes and a bottle of my favorite perfume (all the way from New York). He told me that we had dinner reservations that night and off we went. Much to my surprise - probably the biggest one of my life with him - he had invited 20 of the people that I love most in this world to spend the evening having dinner with us. I cried like a baby when I walked into the restaurant and saw my whole family sitting there waiting to celebrate with us. You would have thought from my reaction that I never see any of them! He is just usually not able to keep any secrets from me and so this was unusual for him. We had a great dinner together and enjoyed our night out!
These are the pictures of all the people who joined us... My uncle Bob and aunt Sandy and my cute mom and dad.

Janeen and Corey Anderson, Jana and Trent Williams
Both of my sisters were just little girls when we got married!

Mike and Jill Wahlquist and our good friends Adam and Becky Osthed

Blake (who was only 6 months old on our wedding day) and Brad and Christina Hackwell

Brian and J.D.'s mom, Pat. She brought a whole album full of pictures of us on our wedding day - what a fun thing to look at and needless to say, we have changed!!

My cute cousin Michelle (who was my maid of honor) and her husband Nate. They are so fun to be around, she was the first person that I saw when we got to the restaurant - I looked through the window behind her and thought to myself - 'weird, I wonder what she is doing here??'
Chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling cider in our room - one of my favorite treats!! We brought the yellow rose home to Ella and that made her day, this is a girl that loves flowers. Hopefully her husband can keep up with her girly-girl taste!!
I can only hope and pray that each of my girls get their Prince Charmings like I have. I hope that they are learning how they deserve to be treated when they grow up and I hope my boys are learning valuable lessons on how to treat women. J.D. is an amazing example of love to all of us.
I hope I have another 20+ years with him!


JW and Alli said...

Sounds like a great anniversary...I remember the day you got married too! I was a "server", I don't think they have those anymore! Congratulations on the big 20!

Jill said...

Yeah...SO glad you posted. I love it!! It was so great to be included in the "ones that you love" Of course you love ME!!! It was a fun night and the food was so yummy. I loved your reaction to it was so cute, made me tear up! He really is a great find are you!! Love you both so much and that amazing little family you have created 20 years later!!

Jana said...

I have been waiting for this post! I am in tears...dinner was so sweet of JD to invite us to be a part of. Thank you very much! You two are such an amazing couple and wonderful examlpe. I love you both so very much! You two have one of the sweetest, cutest, funnest bunch I know! You have every reason to be proud with what you and JD have made. I cant believe it has been 20 years...and I am just the little sister. Sounds so crazy. I remember your wedding I was only in 5th grade. I loved my dress (YIKES) haha! I was telling Brittyn on sat. that I dont remember much of life with out JD in it. Thats is crazy! Agaoin...Happy Anniversary to you both!! HUGS AND KISSES!

Natalie said...

You forgot to mention the wine too. I remember that day and our peach aprons we served with. I also remember hugging you guys and patting you on the back and you all made fun of that. That's crazy that Blake never knew you without JD. What an awesome party, an awesome party and an awesome 20 yrs. You choked me up!! Congrats. I'm going to make Renn read this so he gets some ideas.

Two Boys and a Teenage Girl said...

Wow we are old.. I remember the day you got married too I still have the invite. You two are still just as cute of a couple as you were in High school. Love you guys

Janeen said...

we were so lucky to get to join in some fun with you guys! you guy's are so awesome, and such an amazing example to corey and me. i want to be just like you when i grow up!