Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Soccer Monday.....

So Ella's little soccer team has had a winning season up until this last Monday night, the "Pink Panthers" played the "Orange Dandelions" (what kind of a name is that anyway??). I don't think that any of us could have known what was coming at us for this game. These cute girls of ours got rolled over like no other. After about the 20th or so goal I thought that the other coach should have layed off a little bit, but no. It was quite a slaughter but as is should be, 4 year old soccer, and Ella's team either didn't know the difference or quite frankly didn't care. Good for them, they had a great time, and they were excited for the Oreo's and Capri Suns at the end of the game.....


Natalie said...

Those kind of games give me anxiety and they are only four. That's how I am at Kaden's games. I hate when they get slaughtered. Oh well. At least they don't care. She looks so cute out there. Your baby is getting big and he looks like so much fun. Some times I want a baby when I see you, but then it goes away. I'm waiting for your blog when you were with Jill at Burger King and the man eating ice cream.

Jana said...

Go Ella!!! Good job!