Monday, October 19, 2009

Six months old.....

Well, it is official, baby Ji-ji is half a year old!! Where has the time gone?? From such a rough beginning this boy has turned out to be one of the healthiest (the nice way of saying 'fattest') and happiest babies in town. We went to his 6 month well baby check today and I am pleased to say my boy weighs in at a whopping 18 pounds 6 ounces and is 27 1/4 in long. He now sits comfortably in the 75% of babies his same age - a long way from the 20% he started out in at 2 months old.....he has gained just about 4 pounds in 2 months! Yeesh...

He is rolling from tummy to back, enjoying the rice cereal, and is learning to talk and babble - and sometimes scream in excitement. He enjoys each one of his brothers and sisters equally and he is never lacking for attention. They can all make him laugh and giggle with just about anything they say or do to him. He loves to look at his big fat hands and chew on them like they are desert, and is working at getting his feet in his mouth also.

He woke yesterday with his first official cold, sad, but it has to happen sooner or later - I guess we have been lucky that it has taken this long. Jiles is a dream, he is an amazing baby and I am thankful everyday that I have been blessed enough to be his mommy.


Jana said...

Happy 6ths months Jiji!! Love that fat baby!! They are the best!

Jana said...

Oh yes!!! Thanks a ton for playin Bunco in my spot tonight!! Have fun!

Norine said...

What a boy? Amazing how fast they grow. He is so cute and I can't believe how fast time flies. I loved all your posts. Your family is so active and all the ball. The homecoming kiss was so cute!

Natalie said...

From an amazing baby to an amazaing 16 year old. You are one lucky mama. I love that she tells you everything. I hope my girls do too. You have such a great relationship with all of your kiddos. The question is "Did Morgan like the kiss? That's funny stuff.