Sunday, October 4, 2009

9 Reasons to smile.....

1. Baby Elephant Zuri - so cute!!
2. Biggest sister and littlest sister spending time together.

3. Teenagers that aren't embarrassed to pose in the trees with their crazy family at the zoo.

4. Baby Jiles, still sleeping and being the angel that he is wherever we decide to go.

5. Ella watching the world in quiet ponder.

6. Breakfast with the team - Drew sitting with me until I told him it was okay if he wanted to sit with his friends.
7. Ella making the most of all situations that she is put in. Hours upon hours of football and still she can find the time to dance and smile about it.

8. It doesn't matter whether you win or loose, it is how you played the game.

9. Conference Sunday - watching an assortment of DVD's, eating cookies and wearing a witch costume that was just dug out of the Halloween box!!


Two Boys and a Teenage Girl said...

Great things to smile about. Everyone looks great.

Tiffany said...

You seem able to incorporate all of your kids ages together really well. Teenagers and babies are probably a challenge at times, but you make it look simple and FUN. I am inspired by you to have good relationships with my children.

Jana said...

I love your pics! It was nice to see you the mamas and papas the other night. Jiji is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

your kids look so happy... Great shots!