Monday, March 30, 2009

Since it still feels like winter....

Since waking up today with more snow I thought that I should blog about one of the winter activities that never got posted. These are all my cute boys back in February when they were off track. J.D. decided to take a day off of work and take Drew and Jensen up to snowboard. They had been wanting to go ever since Christmas, it had just never worked out, but this was finally their day. How cute are they on the lift?? I know lots of kids ski, but I never did, still don't, (I have only been once, hurt my knee and never have wanted to try it is way too cold for my liking). So I think it is awesome that they boys want to go and experience life....
Drew is a GREAT big brother - he is a tease, for sure, but when it comes down to it he would do anything for Jensen. Jensen wants to grow up to be just like him. I am so glad that they have each other.

This is them on the hill, look at the form, the skill, (ha, ha) and then the fall comes...just no picture of that!! J.D. stays on skis, he is not sure that he is brave enough (or young enough) to try the snowboard. He says that Drew is actually pretty good, and went on about 4 runs to Jensen and his runs...

They were both exhausted afterwards - too bad we can't find more activities like that around the house during the winter to tire these 2 boys out!! I guess that is why they spend so much time wrestling and teasing each other to get that little boy energy out. I love them both and are so proud to call them "my boys".


Jana said...

You are now just blogging this?? You make me laugh. Your boys are so handsome...even JD, Haha! I totally dare you to put some of your wedding pics on here!!! I'll buy you some Cold Stone.

Janeen said...

Cute boys...and yes you should do an anniversary post with some old stuff of you and jd! lol anyway love you guys...

Natalie said...

And now you are adding one more to "the boys." Those look like our ski pictures with them all asleep on the way home. Jensen looks just like Brenna asleep. How fun. We have no snow boarders.