Monday, March 9, 2009

New Bedrooms for "the boys"....

With baby #6 on the way we needed to adjust the bedrooms upstairs. We had 2 boy rooms and 2 girls rooms up there already, and I was nearly 100% sure that there would be no need to make any changes, since I really thought that this baby was going to be a girl. I was wrong and the changes are underway. Ella is staying put, in her way cute room that J.D. did for her before she was born, and Drew got new furniture in his room (a king sized bed, Wow!!) - "now this looks like a teenager room, mom" - his words exactly. We moved Jensen and are in the process of changing his old room into the new nursery. Everything so far has turned out really well, (J.D. does GREAT work when he has the time to fit it into our busy schedule!!) The boys are happy with their new "pads" - although, Jensen ends up in Drews room nearly every night, Drew is a patient and kind big brother who lets him stay most of the time. We have lived in our house now for a very quick 6 years and have changed it so many times already - I wonder if we will ever just stay put for a while....???


Natalie said...

That's what you get for having another baby. You guys are so good at it. Drew is totally spoiled. My girls all have queens, but a KING. SPOILED. Good luck these next few months. I love seeing Brenna at dance. She is so cute and funny.

Two Boys and a Teenage Girl said...

Cute Kid's Jenn. I can't believe you are on #6 Good Job. It is great to hear from you I miss you and J.D Morgan and Malorie will be going to school together next year. Crazy that they are that old It seems like it was just us..We will have to get together sometime. I am going to lunch with Jana tomorrow (:
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Love you