Monday, February 23, 2009

Ellas first talk in Primary....

My girl is getting so big!! (Sniff, sniff) Ella gave her first talk in Primary on Jan. 18th, she was so brave and got right up to the microphone and did her thing. She is so shy in so many ways, but for some reason, this did not scare her at all. (Maybe it is all the pretend talks she has given in the mic when we have cleaned the church, our dads favorite way to show service). After church we got home and I told her how proud I was of her, and how brave I thought she was, and for some reason she could not figure out why anyone would be afraid to give a big girl talk. I hope she can keep that attitude, because quite frankly, the idea of speaking in church gives me an instant stomach ache. I love it when my kids surprise me in ways like this.
Just a note though, speaking in primary is not bad, but going to class by herself is sometimes still an issue - weird. I love, love, love you Ella!!


Jana said...

How sweet is she!! Cute story. Church and speaking.....uuugggghhhh!

Natalie said...

These are moments that make parenting worth it.

Janeen said...

She is awesome! I wish I could have seen it.