Monday, April 20, 2009

Our new boy...Jiles

Our baby, Jiles Dunn, decided to come about 5 weeks early on Friday, April 17, 2009. He weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and is 19 inches smallest baby. He immediately had some troubles breathing, his lungs just weren't ready, being so early he had to be life flighted to another hospital on Friday just hours after he was born. The feelings of emptiness and guilt were and are overwhelming. It was not the way it was supposed to happen...May 12th, being induced, planned, shaved legs and a shower. Most of all those plans included bringing a healthy baby home with me from the hospital. The emotions have been all over the place. It has truly been a weekend to remember, lots of moments of uncontrollable tears, but also moments of extreme gratefulness for all of the blessings I have. These are pictures of him in the NICU. I haven't even gotten to hold my boy yet. My kids haven't even gotten to see him yet. He is still hooked up to too many wires and is breathing way too fast. He is just trying to figure things out. The doctors and nurses say it is all up to him, they are doing all they can for him, now it is just a waiting game. Frustrating for J.D. and I, we just want our baby to come home. I am sure there will be good days and bad days ahead, we are just trying to remember that we are truly blessed. Thanks to all of you who are praying for us and our family....I will keep on posting.


Jana said...

I was so excited to see you posted! I have not wanted to call and bug ya. Crying through your whole post...Jenn, you are such a strong lady and mommy. I look up to you and JD both. You are great parents and sweet little baby Jiles is so well as you are to have him! What an experence. He is being watched over and so many prayer are being said..for all of you!! I look forward to the day when I can finally see my new little nephew. He is a Barnes and so that make him a fighter! I love you so much!! Lots of hugs...

Tiffany said...

You are in our prayers. I can't imagine the feelings you must be having. Hang in there.

Jill said...

You are one of the toughest chicks around town Jenn! So strong. As so is this beautiful baby boy. Hevenly Father knew what he was doing.....sending him to you guys! You and JD have an amazing relationship with each other and those lucky kids you have been blessed with. Our prayers are with you and your family. We love you all so very much. Cant wait to meet my new nephew too!

Janeen said...

You more then others have the faith and love it will take for this baby to get better. You know how much I love you and your family. Your my big sister and it physically pains me to see you hurt. You are doing great dealing with this situation. Jiles is going to be a strong able boy someday soon. It doesn't seem like it now, but he WILL be. I can't wait to hold him, tell him I love him, and that I am his favorite aunt! lol

Natalie said...

I love the name. So cute. I'm sorry for the ups and downs right now. I know NICU all too well. Boys like to develop slower. He will be home soon. You looked so good your whole pregnancy and you do in your pics. Congrats and keep us all posted. We are thinking about you. Brenna did so awesome at competition. I watched her and yelled her name so she knew someone was watching.

Natalie said...

I laughed so hard and cried during your post. So funny how you wanted shaved legs and a shower. Don't we all!!!!

Two Boys and a Teenage Girl said...

You and your Family are in Our prayers. I am sorry you have to go thru this. My love to you

Jill said...

I hope all will work out for you and your family! I will keep you and your liitle Jiles in my prayers! If you ever need anything just pass a word along I would love to help you out!


JW and Alli said...

Jenny - You look great in your pics!! Can't believe you just had a baby. So sorry about his difficult start in life. I'm sure soon you'll be all together loving and kissing on that sweet boy. Know you are in our thoughts and prayers as well! Alli from NC