Friday, April 24, 2009

Is this really happening??.....

Wow!! Baby J is a week old now and I feel like I am living someone elses life. The out-of-body feelings I have are unbelievable...I wake up each morning, roll over and realize that I am no longer pregnant and that my baby is in not at home with me. J.D. and I keep looking and each other saying "is this really happening??" I truly feel like I should be waking up from a bad dream. Granted, it could be alot worse, he is doing well, making improvements each day and I know that it is only a matter of time and he will be home with us. I just feel a little cheated on the last month of my pregnancy. I love being pregnant!! Sounds crazy I know, but I do. I feel like I have been robbed of precious time. It is hard to explain. There is an emptiness.
This was taken last night right before I fed him and put him to bed. Look at those eyes, aren't they amazing!! He was starving and going to town on the binky. I am a binky lover for sure, and right now it seems that he might be too. We try to spend as much time in the hospital with him as we can. They have him on a 3 hour schedule for eating, changing bums, taking temperature and checking him out. So every time we can be there to give him his care we are. It is making for late nights for our other kids, starting at 9:00p.m. and finishing by 10:00p.m. and then heading home....our kids are handling it well, Morgan and Brenna are amazing help. We couldn't do it without them holding the fort down.
I try to go up in the morning when I can and we always make the noon feeding together. The afternoons are hard because I do feel like I need to be home to take some care of the others. Ella is I think effected the most because she is shuffled around during the day. Not that she doesn't love playing with cousins and friends and being "babysat" - I can just tell that she is wiped out at the end of the day and a little grouchy. It has just been her and I for so long, so I am missing those moments too.....
I feel blessed that Jiles is doing so well, that J.D. has a job that allows him to spend so much time with me. He has been my rock. I could not ask for a better husband and father to my kids. I am so thankful to my sisters for all their help during this time - I will be sure to make it worth your while some how.
I am just anxious to get back to a normal (is that possible) life!!!....


Norine said...

Little Jiles looks so cute and so good. I know it is hard seeing the wires and IVs and all, but slowly one by one they come off and pretty soon you can bundle him up and take him home. He has lots of hair! I am so happy that you are well too. What an awesome sweet spirit. Congrats. Norine

Jana said...

Jenn...again I am in tears!! I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like. I love you...all! You are so tough and have so much faith. That picture of baby "J" (that is what we have been calling him) hope you don't mind. It is priceless!! I have loved the time I have got to spend with Ella. She is a sweetheart! Lots of hugs and prayers!! Love n stuff!

Natalie said...

That brings tears to my eyes. It brings back so many memories. This time will pass and it will be a memory like mine. I'm sure you are exhausted. It would be so much easier if this happened on the first baby instead of the last. You have too much responsiblity to be living in so much chaos right now. I asked for a blessing during these times and it totally helped. Get one if you haven't. I can't wait to see him. I hope it's soon that he comes home and that your new normal happens soon. You are a crazy lady loving being prego. But to each their own.

Tiffany said...

You guys continue to be in our prayers. We hope the days speed by until you are able to bring him home. In the meantime-GET SOME SLEEP!! He is DARLING!

Natalie said...

I have a picture in my family room of Kaden when he was all hooked up. Those days when I don't like him-I am reminded by these pictures how much I love him. It's a good idea because those boys get naughty.

Robison's said...

Jenn, congrats on the baby boy. I am sorry for what you guys are going through, but I am glad he is doing well. He is adorable! Here in no time, life will get back to normal for you, I am sure. I can't imagine what you are going through though. One thing I don't understand is, how on earth could you love being pregnant? I don't get it!? I hate it! Other than feeling the baby move:) Again, congrats on your little boy!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad he is doing well... He is just so cute! He looks like a little peanut all wrapped up... Oh babies are the best!

JW and Alli said...

What a cute boy!!! Jenny you are amazing! I hope he comes home soon so all the family can love and kiss and enjoy him. You're in our prayers!!! Alli