Friday, September 19, 2008

Its Friday....

I am still trying to get the hang of this whole blogging thing. It is Friday and everyone seems to be in a good mood on Fridays, the weekends around our house are usually a pretty fun. Football and soccer take up a good part of the day on Saturday - we love our sports!! Date nights on saturdays (the benefits of having older girls who babysit) and then a LAZY day on Sunday, only doing the necessary because our weeks are crazy! Hopefully tomorrow Drew wins his football game, - playing Jordan - and Jensen with his soccer game, (they always win). Jensen is now playing "flag" football. Yesterday was their 2nd game and he made a touchdown and pulled a flag, he was excited. Poor Ella, we just drag her around from event to event. This is what we usually look like at the end of our Saturday nights. Such a fun and blessed life....... (by the way Jensen is SOUND asleep on our stairs, too tired to actually go up)


Jana said...

Yahh! New post! Love them! What is Jens doing? This is going to be great! I love that we can all do this! Except Julie....she is slow. No post and the girl set up her blog like over a week or more ago. LAME! Laters! luv ya.

Janeen said...

LOL so funny. I love Jensen. Did you know that? duh I'm dumb. Anyway...You make me see my future very clear when I look at your life and I freakin' love it!