Sunday, November 7, 2010

A season over.....

Another season of football for Drew has come and gone, This has been one of his funnest years since starting football as a little Gremlin. Drew made the Alta A2 team this year....he was most happy with the placement.

Football, needless to say, is one of the highlights of our years...both of my studly sons absolutely love the sport and to top it all of they are both really very good at it.

Drew was able to show his leadership skills on the field again this year by being one of the captains of the Defense. He was the one that the other boys would listen to, he would call the plays and make sure everyone knew what was going on.

Drew sacked the quarterback several times this year, and in the final game of our season stopped Bingham from scoring on the 2 yard line. Right before the half, it was 4th and goal and Bingham was in position to put the first touchdown in the end zone in a 0-0 game.

Everyone on the side lines was on pins and needles, this was the semi-finals, and who ever won today would move on to another week of football.

Drew was the one who stopped the Bingham player from making a touchdown, and then something strange happened....I had a tear in my eye, because that was my boy that saved the play. I have cried several times over disappointment in seasons being over, but this was a first that the tears were over sheer pride and joy in my son.

Needless to say, Bingham ended up scoring in the 12th minute of the 4th quarter, the game ended at 6-0 and Binham will now go on to the finals this Saturday.
It was a heartbreaking loss, and there were tears from the boys, the coaches and the parents. It has been an amazing season, one where Drew learned alot and enjoyed each and every game and practice. It was nice to see him thrive and enjoy football again after our awful season last year.

Drew has been absolute joy to raise. He is respectful and kind. He loves his mom, and is not afraid to show it. I love having him grow taller and taller each day....he has now officially passed me up, and I believe on most days, he weighs more than I do as well. My little boy is not so little any more. I think he thinks it is funny when he hugs me and squeezes me so hard I can barely breathe....he still wants to hug and kiss me each night, praying with him before he goes to sleep. I hope that these days do not pass to quickly.


Jana said...

Awww..Jenn Jenn! I got a tear for you! He is an awesome stud muffin!! You have lots of reasons to be a proud momma!! xoxo

Natalie said...

I'm a bit jealous. I so love football and wish I had a son playing right now too. Only dance dance dance in your pants. What an awesome kid and how fun to be his mom!!!! I miss you Hackwells. It's been forever. Hopefully I'll see ya Friday.