Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prom Night 2011.....

Morgan and Brenna - Junior Prom.

New dresses. Check.

Nails done. Check.

Hair appointments. Check.

Picked up Boutonnieres. Check.

I think I must have done something right in Heaven to get these 2 girls. They are beautiful and amazing ladies.

Not wanting to be taller than their dates, and also for comforts sake they wore Keds to the dance! Before any other boy gets a kiss, the girls owe one to their dad, he brought home them home each a single white rose and brought me home a dozen pink ones. Prom is a lot of work for the mom too! I have the most thoughtful guy around.

Riley Johnson and Morgan......

Spencer Peck and Brenna.....
Brenna said the funniest thing about her dress, it is really pretty and looks amazing on her, but she was not comfortable wearing it just the way it was off the hanger. She felt like she was showing too much. She added the black shade under it and then topped it off with the black shrug. When all was said and done she said, "Now I look too modest."

Silly girl.
Date #2, West Jordan.

Andrew Hogan and Morgan.....
Pretty flowers for a pretty lady.....
Don't stick him!!
J.D. is the dad that pins all the boys flowers on. I don't think any of them have minded so far, but who knows. I think it lets the date knows just who is in charge here!!

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